Leather Jacket: F21, Slip: vintage, Vest: H&M, Beanie: H&M, Boots: Payless
It's no secret I love my leather jacket and all black outfits (especially together). However, sometimes a little extra creativity is needed when you wear all black outfits as much as I do.
Here I decided to layer my new H&M leather vest under my F21 leather jacket. Its a subtle change but still adds more dimension than a simple black tee or dress worn alone. The title says it all really. lol.
love that, i am into leather and black too. and i think you are the master of that look, i want that leather waistcoat so badly, also i want leather miniskirt. hope i found some of them in london.. you are so damn pretty, you have amazing eyes! whick mascara u use?
Love it! Did you get those boots recently? Are they comfortable? I need to check out my nearest Payless.
I see what you were going for
really olsen-y
I like it! inspiring
Haha,it's funny you should post this. Just the other day I was saying about wearing leather on leather - although I was talking about my leather skirt with my leather jacket. A look I definitely couldn't pull off. You, in the other hand, look great! It certainly adds interest to the classic all black outfit :)
i love new takes on layering, looks great!
That is such a fetish-look ;)
im just so in love with leather jackets recently.
and your looks great, especially when its combined with other black clothes - colour is the same, but its all about the texture.
You are on CHIC chick! :)
Love your hat & ankle booties, tres cool, my dear.
xo/ fashion chalet
that slip is uh-mazzzzzing!
great look!it reminds me of alexander wang!
Wow, I wanted to get that leather jacket! But hesitated because Singapore's so hot anyway. You look great & those boots are FIERCE!
nita: Aww thank you! its my favorite look. You should definitely be able to find that stuff in London (I want to go back...). I don't wear mascara just eyeliner(Covergirl)
tine: very recently. They are super comfy :)
dana: Thanks! I love the Olsens
unwise pedestrian: lol that's so funny. I think you could definitely pull it off ;)
sarah: Thank you!
sueper: ooo ;)
freya: Yes! I definitely agree. Texture is key when you're wearing all black.
fashion chalet: Likewise girly <3
alina: Thank you. its one of my fav vintage finds recently.
fashion blah blah: And we all love Alex :)
yiqin: You can wear it on vacation! Thank you :)
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