Saturday, January 29, 2011

Zipper Back

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Jacket: Rodebjer, Belt: from a giftbag, Jeans: F21, Boots: Minimarket

I completely forgot to post anything last week. Have to blame it on the weather as usual..

Anyway, I bought these boots on sale a few weeks ago. I was in the mood for something simple. The tread on the bottom also makes them wearable for walking over mounds of snow and slush at crosswalks which is a plus.

p.s. As you can see I haven't made any hair changes yet. It's going to be a slower process than expected with me evening out my color gradually before making it all darker. In the meantime I'll just keep growing it out.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Year

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Blazer: Zara, Shirt: vintage, Leggings: Members Only, Shoes: JC

Happy New Year!

I didn't end up going anywhere fancy/expensive on new year's eve so I dressed pretty casual (gray jeans, silver sweater, tan fur jacket, boots).

These pictures are from when I went to see Cirque du Soleil with my boyfriend. You can't tell but I was in a pretty good mood because of the long weekend. Unfortunately for me now it's back to work.